facebook is one of the social networking sites used by people all over the world. Lately more than corer people has been using Facebook though out the world. But there has been wrong trend going on in the Facebook among which one is fake account.In the fake account the original person using the Facebook is different than the person in the profile. And here is the video which mock this trend of making and using fake account. The video make clear why people like to make fake account. Many make fake account in order to get add in ideal group, to increase like in their real account, to plays games and to just get added in the nympo group.
With the crime increasing through social sites fake account in Facebook is also increasing the crime though with the little help. In the video you can see the story of IT engineer who started to make fake account to for some purpose but at last the people use it in wrong way which is why making fake account started to create fuss among the people.